HELP! My spouse and I have nothing to talk about!

Okay, maybe my marriage is just not as amazing as yours, but sometimes when my fabulous hubby and I go out on a date…



I’ve already heard about the glass being the wrong-size for his commercial construction project.  He’s already heard about my homeschool choir enrollment.  We know what the kids are up to.  I’m aware of what’s happening with his family in Kentucky.  He’s listened patiently to my story about a friend I am helping out.  Nothing new going on at church.

And, so we eat and it’s too quiet…and I am bothered and frustrated.  We know this lack of fulfilling communicationis not optimal!  Nor is it fun.

If you can relate, never fear, all is not lost.  We have not given up on meaningful date night conversation  and neither should you!  There is help!  There is hope!

There are a few great resources to help couples in this dilemma!!!  One is Love Talk Starters, by authors/speakers Les and Leslie Parrott.  We purchased this book several years ago, and when I know where it is, we bring it along to enhance our conversation.  🙂  We do not yet own 101 Conversation Starters (linked above) but plan to buy it soon!  I am familiar, however, with Gary Chapman, one of the co-authors, and would recommend any of his marriage resources!

These books ask all sorts of random questions which will help you to have a  more keen insight into the person you are married to,  have some fun learning about them, and maybe find out some things you never knew.  Some of the questions are lighter and some are a bit heavier, and hopefully will lead to some substantive conversation.

Here are a few sample questions:

As you were growing up, what was unique about your family as compared to other families?

What is the worst movie you have ever seen?  Why?

What is something you really wanted as a child or teen but were not allowed to own?

If you were given five acres of land, where would you want it to be and what would you do with it?

If you suffer with the “now that we’re alone on a date, we have nothing to talk about” dilemma, I encourage you to pick up one or both of these books.  (They are super cheap on Amazon if you just click on the book links above).

I’ll bet that answering these questions will become something you will look forward to!  It will draw you closer to each other, and will definitely make your date nights less quiet and more fun!

P.S.I have not been paid to endorse this product, nor would I endorse a product I did not believe in, and if you click on the link and buy it to benefit your marriage, I will get a tiny bit of money and it will help me move toward a successful blog. THX!


One comment

  1. This is great Tori !
    Beeing married for 13 years now my husband and I very rarely have a date, and when we do its for our Anniversary. Usually it’s out to dinner where we talk about the kids, then after dinner were off to pick up the kids and home we go, to only do the same the next year !
    Thank you for giving us an idea for what to talk about !


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